I know the potato recipe post was getting old. As predicted, the ravages of law school have usurped the time otherwise dedicated to posting on this blog. My life has been filled with lots of this:

... and not enough of this:

Anyway, it's not all work-and-gloom, as perhaps I've impressed upon you. Actually, law school is awesome, and I'm really excited about OCIP. All the employers for which I'm interviewing look like winners, and if I get even a single offer, I'll take it gladly. Boalt is like a win-win freakfest at every level. I mean, check this out. At Arizona, you have to beg and beg to get one of a few limited firm jobs with their on-campus interview program. At Boalt, the employers come and give you free stuff. Case in point, the multi-colored light-up bouncy ball:

Yeah, that's right. This one's from Cooley Godward, which has an office in Broomfield! I hope I got an interview with them. Actually, as I write this, Phase 2 OCIP interviews should be posted! Lemme check real quick ... hm, looks like they haven't posted the interviews yet. Anyway, I'm sure I'll get it, I ranked them real high.

Erin, another Boalt 2L, has let me know she finds this blog entertaining. So, of course, she must make an appearance! I asked her for an action shot, and this is what I got:

Looked very glitzy, so I went black-and-white with it. Looks like a Chanel ad or something. Cheers, Erin!

And now for something completely different! For the GU-loving athletes among you out there, I have the very exciting news that the GU Sports factory is in Berkeley!! (For the non-athletes, GU is a goopy substance that you eat during exercise to replinish complex carbohydrates. I swear by them, and use them in every long-distance workout or race I do. They're fantastic.) I called up the factory and was greeted by a man named Teddy.

"Teddy," I said, "I'm a long-time user of your products. I just moved to Berkeley, and found out your factory is here!"

"That's right, Nick," he replied. "We're neighbors!"

"Could I come take a look at the factory?"

"Of course! Come on down!"

I wasted no time, and last week, went to see the factory. It was surprisingly small for the amount of GU they produce (54,000 GU's per day), in a space no larger than a medium-sized lecture hall). There are three large drums where the GU's are mixed, each one about 5 feet tall and maybe four feet in diameter. They seem small, but one drum makes 18,000 GU's! They run each drum once daily, and sell out every day. That's amazing.

Here are the uncut labels. There's my favorite -- Chocolate Outrage -- on the left.

Here's a stack of their yet-unreleased flavor, Strawberry-Banana, set to debut at some trade show in Las Vegas later this year.

They didn't send me home empty-handed, no sir! I got to try out this new flavor. It tasted quite good (although they ALL taste good in the middle of an 18-mile run). Note that this flavor is one of two caffeine-free GU flavors. I like the caffeine kick most of the time, so I might not buy this flavor when it does come out.

One last thing. I usually sign off my blogs with something to the effect of how I love you all. This practice began when only my family was kind enough to humor me by reading it. Now, with the grotesquely invasive features on Facebook, there are a few more people reading it. So I probably shouldn't say how much I love you guys. But what the hell, I still love ya! Thanks for reading.