After serving for over 2,500 shots, the Sony Ericcson w800i is ready for retirement as the main gun on Nick's Verdict. It's a sweet-lookin' phone, and a great camera for those spontaneous moments. Here it is one more time, in all its sweet glory:

"But Nick," I hear you asking, "what wonderful new tool took a picture of the old camera?" The answer, of course, is my NEW camera, the Nikon D80. It's a beast. The old cameraphone came back to active duty for a moment, to grab a picture of the new hotness:

Mm hmm ... look at all that DSLR glory. I decided to take it with me when I went to class today, and just snapped a few pictures as I was learning to use the camera. They're not all first-class shots, but I'm just getting started here.

Actually, I quite like this one. My new 18mm lens at the wide end, with some post processing to bring out the detail and colors.

A colorful little butter knife just sitting on a trash can. Looked ripe for a snapshot.

Some shade in the Boalt courtyard.

Practicing my tracking; the rider is in focus, the rest of the shot is a blur.

Crazy-looking face mask, eh? I was too scared to shoot him dead on, so I waited until this motorcyclist was passing by before I snapped the shot.

The Girl Scouts were out peddling the goods. The bright-colored boxes were an easy target for the D80...

...As was the bright red leaf on the brick steps at Boalt.

This is what they call the Ivy League.

Can you spot the happy photographer in this self-portrait? Mm hmm. Life is good. Hope you enjoyed the first look from the D80; stay tuned for more to come!

Love Love,