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Anyway, Independence Day in New Orleans was a blast. The skies were overcast, and the rain drizzled a bit, but no one's spirits were dashed. Dinner plans for tonight: Emeril's, my favorite restaurant here. The host sat me at the Food Bar, where you can see all the action going on in the kitchen!

Chef Eric prepares the massive pork chop platter.

The food at Emeril's is delicious and ultra-gourmet. They have quite possibly the best gumbo in the city (and therefore, the world), and all the dishes are works of art:

That's veal in front, and the two in the back are pan-seared scallops sitting on a bed of crabmeat-filled mashed potatoes, asparagus skewers, and hollandaise sauce.

Not forgotten at Emeril's is the fine art of the dessert. The couple sitting on the left-hand side (in the above picture) came to Emeril's to celebrate their 37th wedding anniversary. They are fans of Emeril's TV show, and celebrated their anniversary last year in New Orleans to try his restaurant. They liked it enough to come back again. For their dessert, they ordered the very special Chocolate Mariner's Soufle, a decadant dessert that takes 30 minutes to prepare.

Oozing with chocolatey goodness.

Next door to Emeril's is the Regency Hotel, filled with funky decor:

Are you dizzy, or is it just the carpet?

Nice chandelier!

Then Michelle and Alejandro came by, and we all went off to go see the fireworks:

Hooray, no work today!

It's hard to photograph fireworks, because by the time the shutter snaps, the firework is already over. You have to guess when one's coming, then snap the photo just before it explodes.

The grand finale!

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