No updates of late. Why? Well, my computer broke. Here's what it looked like:

The blue screen of death (BSOD).

Yep, the dreaded BSOD. Usually, just a quick restart, and your computer's back, right? Not this time, Skippy. Every restart would bring me right back to the BSOD. The Dell was done for. Or was she? A couple of days of no luck in repairing the thing led me to believe it was headed for the trasn can. But revelation struck, and before chucking it, I recalled that a corrput RAM chip could cause constant restarts. So, I tried removing one of the RAM chips. Voila, she was back in action! So, problem solved, the comp is running again, and the Verdict can continue! How better to celebrate the mood than with a nice bluish New Orleans nighttime photo?

Looking out of the apartment's living room window.

On that note, how about some more scenec photos from 400 Poydras, 30th floor - the offices of Fowler, Rodriguez & Chalos:

The famous Crescent City Connection bridge, as seen from the terrace.

Technically, no one's allowed out here due to the building code restrictions, and the doors are usually locked. But on this day, they were open, and vulnerable to an unscrupulous photographer.

A little spot of life, growing just outside our monolithic black skyscraper.

Oh, and one more from the building. This was just too funny. See if you can spot the inconsistency in this advertisement, which sits on the kitchen bulletin board:

There's no order to big or small. But you have to order by the dozen. What's an order of 11 then ... or of 13? Zing!

Finally, last weekend's trip to Vail Pass really gave me the cycling bug. Or, better stated, I'm having an outbreak of that chronic Cyclism bug, an incurable virus. Headed home from last weekend's trip to Colorado, it became necessary to order OLN, so that we wouldn't miss any of the Tour de France. Fortunately, it was a very easy process. We made a phone call, and got instructed where to pick up a digital box with which to activate the channel. Dad had his new Blackberry at the ready -- an updated model that is much higher-tech than its predecessors. At the airport, we were able to use Google Maps to pull up directions to the Cox headquarters, so we could pick up the box that same afternoon. Also of note is how enamored Dad became of his new little toy. To be fair, it was pretty cool, and in no time, we had an interactive map showing us where to go:

"Hey, I think I can even start my car with this thing!"

This past week, we parted ways, as Dad went home to celebrate the 4th. For my part, I was livin' in style; the apartment here is very posh, and I've been enjoying every adrenaline-pumping moment of the tour. Of course, with the tour comes a weekly (read: daily) pilgramge to a local bike shop to check out new gear. New Orleans doesn't have too many bike shops, but there is one on the west bank, as its name betrays:

Not quite a BikeSource, but not too bad.

I even found a bike that Dad might ride:

No bike shorts required

There's a bike burning a hole in my wallet ... and it's available for a test ride back home in Littleton. Someone stop me!!!

She will be mine ... oh yes, she will be mine.